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      BRAINSYS: Development of low cost Brain-Machine Interface systems for rehabilitation of people with motor disabilities Summary: BRAINSYS derives from the results of the WALK project (RTI2018-096677-B-I00) looking for the valorization of the developed BMI. The main objective of BRAINSYS … Continuar


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ReGAIT: A new rehabilitation approach of locomotion for incomplete spinal cord injury patients by integrating neural interfaces, lower-limb powered robotic systems and transcutaneous spinal current stimulation strategies SUBPROJECT 1: Development of a self-tuned Neural-Machine Interface for closed-loop control of lower-limb exoskeletons … Continuar


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Reconstructing kinematics trajectories during walking from EEG signals. Lower-limb robotic exoskeletons have emerged as aids for over-ground, bipedal ambulation for individuals with motor limitations. The usability and clinical relevance of these robotics systems could be further enhanced by brain-machine interfaces … Continuar


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Decoding brain activity related to gait during exoskeleton-assisted walking. Lower-limb robotic exoskeletons have emerged as aids for over-ground, bipedal ambulation for individuals with motor limitations. The usability and clinical relevance of these robotics systems could be further enhanced by brain-machine … Continuar

Laura Ferrero

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Laura Ferrero is currently doing a Ph.D. in Industrial and Telecommunication Tehcnology and working as a researcher in the Brain-Machine Interface Systems Lab at Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain). She obtained a degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017) from the … Continuar

Vicente Quiles

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Vicente Quiles has a degree in Industrial Technical Engineering specialized in Electronics (2017) by the Miguel Hernández University. He became in 2017 a Master in Artificial Intelligent from Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is currently working in the Brain-Machine Interface … Continuar


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              Controlling lower-limb exoskeletons by means of brain-machine interfaces to assist people with walking disabilities Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) are two of the major motor disorders due to damage in the human … Continuar


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RED IBEROAMERICANA PARA EL ESTUDIO Y DESARROLLO DE APLICACIONES TIC BASADAS EN INTERFACES ADAPTADAS A PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDAD · IBERADA Access to information and communication technologies (ICT) presents serious difficulties for people with disabilities or elder who have perception, motor or … Continuar

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